Experts participating in the Project
Below you can find the entire list of experts (e.g., professors, associations, chefs and companies) that have collaborated to parts of the project.
Full Professor of Marketing
San Diego State University (US)
Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology
University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo (Italy)
Swiss firm producing and selling insect-food products
Swiss firm specialized in the manufacture of food products based on edible insects
Swiss website selling insect-based products
Italian firm specialized in the production and commercialization of food products based on edible insects
Italian firm specialized in the production of food products based on edible insects
Italian website selling
insect- based products
Italian cultural association with the aim of spreading information on the world of insects and insect-based food through experiences and workshops
Italian chef who organises events and dinners with insect-based dishes and disseminates information on his blog, i.e., Mini's Food
Italian chef experimenting with insect-based dishes in his restaurant Birreria Hakuna Matata
Swiss firm aiming to transform organic waste into sustainable protein components for animal feed
Italian farm selling crickets and also meal moths, kaimanus, locusts and honey moths