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Our recent news...
Students experiencing virtual reality
During a marketing class we invited students to watch a VR video through VR glasses talking about the world of insect-based food. VR...
Presenting our research in Chicago
In August we presented our paper “Willingness to eat insect-based food among Generation Z consumers: the role of correct information and...
…When in Winterthur at the EURAM conference
Mid June we presented our research “Insect-based food consumption patterns in Generation Z: how to spread willingness to eat among the...
A marketing class with insect-based food experts and…insect-based food tasting!
During a marketing class we invited two guest speakers - expert in the insect-based food world - and we prepared a tasting session....
A workshop in Copenhagen
During the ISPIM Innovation conference (Copenhagen, June 2022) our team conducted an interactive workshop on “Generation Z consumers and...
What about an entoexperience?
Our team took part to an entoexperience, organized by the cultural association Entonote in Milan, in Italy. For those of you that do not...
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